Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not So Good Morning

As if getting up at 4:30 isn't bad enough, I got woken up at 3:00am because my dog Kira needed to go out. She NEVER wakes me up to go out, so I figured she must really need to go. I groggily walk to the door and let both her and Guinness out. Didn't take me too long to figure out why she wanted to go out, as they confronted a cat just a few steps from the porch.

A fight ensues before I can get out there, and before they kill the cat I am out in the yard in my sleep attire (aka nothing) trying to call the dogs off when I am bitten by the cat. Two nice puncture wounds on my left index finger.

So off to work I go, looking forward to a nice day at animal control afterward to test the cat's body for rabies....hopefully I can avoid getting a rabies shot.

Loving this song right now....haven't we all felt this way at one time or another?

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