Monday, October 26, 2009

Time to Say Goodbye

No Cherokee, no longer.

Turned her in on Friday, under the allowed mileage on the lease and in almost as good of shape as when I picked her up. Someone will be getting a very nice SUV out of this....I just hope the trans problems are indeed electrical and not mechanical. Either way, not my problem anymore.

The turn-in process was pretty quick and painless, but since I didn't re-lease or buy a car from them before I turned it in, the reacquisition fee wasn't waived for me this time around....and they upped it to $425 from the $300 I was expecting. Should have read my contract a little closer. All is not lost though. I have 60 days to get a vehicle through Chrysler and still qualify for a lease loyalty rebate. Now if I could only find that Charger I thought I had tracked down on a nearby lot....

So technically I am carless at the moment. I have a car in my possession, well if you can really call a Kia a car, but I don't have one of my own right now. With my dad not able to drive for at least another 6 weeks, it just seemed to make more sense to take my time and find a deal that I like on a car that I really want. Not having a car payment for a month or two and doling out money at the gas station less frequently will be nice....but I'm surely not sold on this car thing yet.

It's been nearly a decade since I drove a car consistently. The last car I bought/leased was a 1998 Protege. Since then it's been nothing but trucks and SUVs as my primary mode of transportation. Driving a car the last couple days has already been quite the adjustment, but now I am looking to do it permanently, and I really have no idea which car that I'm considering would be best for me.

No matter what, a car is going to be better on gas mileage than my Cherokee was....but how high do I want to go with the MPG? I love getting 40-50 MPG on my motorcycles, and that has helped to offset my fuel consumption in the summer. Now I have a chance to really make an impact on my wallet and help out the environment by getting a small, cheaper, very efficient car. Being the neo-hippie that I am, this all sounds great.....but being a single guy, it's not like I can exactly go that route.

During dinner on Saturday, at Baskin Robbins no less, my mom tried to sell me on the benefits of owning a Kia. This is the same woman who has been bothering me for a grandchild for nearly a decade now, since I am her only child and, therefore, her only hope for a grand kid. "Mom, if you EVER want the chance at a grandchild, you DO NOT want me to buy a Kia. I will never reproduce if that happens....hell, I may never have sex again if I buy a Kia."

Yes, I can talk to my mom like that and be fine.

And yes, it's sad, but true, that I have to consider things like this when purchasing a new vehicle. So I have plenty to consider tonight as I search for a new vehicle while watching my Burgundy and Gold on Monday Night Football. I would appreciate any suggestions for a possible new car that wouldn't put a damper on agenda.

1 comment:

Simply Me said...

Good luck finding your pimp mobile...