Tuesday, April 26, 2016


There are no better words for me when it comes to this damn blog....or anything else for that matter.  The first step is usually the most difficult for me to take but once I get past that, my momentum usually gets built up pretty qucikly.  That first step usually comes down to my desire to do being less than my desire to do not in the moment, without ever considering the regret I may feel later on for not doing.  There's very little in my life, if anything, that I regret doing....but plenty I regret not doing.  The bad thing is that I never seem to learn from that, and continue to do not.

I'll always have plenty of excuses to not post on this blog, and time is a big one for me.  Showing that I can get something up in as little as five minutes, as I did here, though will hopefully motivate me in the future to actually do, and not do not.