Friday, September 22, 2006


I'm not one to be frustrated easily, my personal life is a great example of that....but for another time maybe, but busting out pretty deep in a tournament after being top 20 or so in chips for most of it is really getting old fast. My MTT game is tight right now. Not perfect, but I am playing better than I have at any time since my great run late last year that was capped off with my 5th place finish in the WPBT Winter Classic. Right now I am just playing to get ready for Vegas, but doing so well for so long only to be struck down and out in a matter of 10-20 hands is beginning to annoy me.

I can take solace in the fact that about 90% of the hands that lead to my demise I actually play right, but get unlucky or sucked out on. The other 10% I can look over to help me improve my play, so it's not all bad. I just can't help feeling a little upset about being out in front of hundreds or even thousands of other players for so long, then crashing or burning with nothing to show for the effort.

Hopefully soon enough I will get a rush of cards when I need it and at the very least final table somewhere....if only for the sake of my confidence.

Sorry for the venting. Technically this isn't a bad beat post, but if you want your dollar for listening anyway just find me. I'll even double it if you find me at my 9-5....

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