Saturday, April 01, 2006

Tilt, Hella Tilt....

I just spent an hour or so on a post that I ended up liking a whole lot. As I proofread it, I actually read it and enjoyed the writing, instead of just skimming and looking for big mistakes like I normally do. Then I save it as a draft so I can add my hyperlinks and not worry about losing it. To which Blogger asks me to log in. Strange, but I oblige. Then, the dashboard shows up and I get this eerie feeling that I just got screwed. I open this blog only to see that there is no new post anywhere to be found. Try paging back with my browser to save it, unsuccessful. GRRRRR!!! How come this thing only eats the few posts I like, and never any of the myriad of my bad post which shouldn't get posted anyway?

So I take another few minutes to write another post about how I was slightly tilted by this. When I finish writing it I decide that I am going to copy and save the text on my computer before trying to save it or post it with Blogger. I highlight the entire post, and just as I am about to hit "Ctrl+C", it all disappears before my eyes. WTF?!?!?!

Hugemegahella-tilt. And I don't tilt. The last time I was tilted was at the final table of the WPBT Winter Classic. When we started the final table I was second in chips only to Phil, and he was two to my right. I felt like I had a good shot at first. Then the cards slapped me upside the head. I saw two face cards the entire time I was at the final table. On one hand I had J2o and had two people push in before it even got to me. Hmm, fold. Then I pick up K4s in the small blind on the second orbit. I had bled out a good portion of my stack and was thinking about pushing as it was folded to me. I think for a couple seconds and glance over at Gracie's stack. I look back at mine and hear, "I'm gonna call....if you go all in, I am going to call you."

SONUVA! With the cards Gracie was catching at the final table, it seemed that Lady Luck was seated to my left instead of a fellow blogger. My head falls back and my body goes limp as I sigh and muck my hand. From there I got nothing better than a 78s, which is the hand I went out on, and ended up finishing 5th.

Before that hand it had been months since I was tilted at all, and that previous tilt was fleeting to say the least. It actually helped me focus my game better and take a 3-1 chip advantage into heads up play. There my opponent made two boats, two flushes, and trips in ten hands. I hated finishing second after playing so well, but it's still a card game. Oh yeah, and variance is a beeyotch.

As I sit and recall these games I can feel my blood pressure returning to normal, and my mind returning to it's normal, calm state. I can now add "tilt therapy" to the list of things that I'd use to give a definition of a blog. Even though, this tilt was induced by the blog to begin with.

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