Thursday, November 23, 2006


Having a good amount of Native American blood in my veins I'm not really that fond of Thanksgiving, but I do appreciate what the spirit of the day is supposed to be. As a lazy, spoiled American I often take for granted so many of the great things that surround me. I'll never take my family or my friends for granted, but there are so many things that I don't appreciate on a daily basis. I have a house. I have job. I'm not rich, but I have a better lifestyle than a lot of people.

Day in and day out I seem to want more. More hours in the day, more money from my 9-5, more poker....but I rarely look around and truly take in all that I have in my life. The fact that I am sitting here writing this now while I two-table on Full Tilt and Guinness sleeps at my feet is testament to how good I have it.

Earlier this month I turned 30. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, because as I get older I gain perspective at an exponential rate and I realize that I am lucky to have made it this far. Especially when I look back at all the crazy shit I've done, and the four times in my life that I really should have died, but somehow made it through relatively unscathed.

New Year's Eve is just around the corner. Every year I make some sort of resolution and each year they seem to have a common theme, boiling down to motivation. I figure why wait til the end of December to resolve to be more motivated in my life, why I can just start today? After dinner of course.

Oh yeah, and after the bullshit I dealt with last night....I pretty much done with women for a while. This isn't so much of a resolution, more like "enough is enough". I am no longer dealing with the crazy women in my life, and the stupid shit that goes along with it. I can't blame anyone but myself since I am the one who chooses to surround myself with crazy chicks, but I can change it....for now at least.

On that note, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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