Friday, November 17, 2006


He retired before I was even in high school so I never had the opportunity to be recruited by Bo, but during my Junior year in HS a few teammates and I drove to Ann Arbor to hear him speak at a conference to help high school kids prepare to be recruited. Some of what he said I'll never forget, like when he pitched the three things to look for in a college 1. Academics, 2. Academics, and 3. Academics. His words about integrity hit home with me and showed me that a man can be great without compromising his beliefs. To this day, I can feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up when I hear his voice.

Coach Schembechler, you will be missed.

1 comment:

Iakaris aka I.A.K. said...

Nice job at the Big Game. It's always bettah when you bust to the winner.