Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Effing Xmas, Amazon

My parents are the hardest people for me to buy gifts for. If either of them sees anything they want, they buy it. I am the same way, so now I know how hard it is to get me a gift....

Every year I spend a ton of time looking for one or two good Christmas presents for them. Usually I end up with something that is just OK in my book, but it's the thought that counts right? I decided to do as much of my xmas shopping for this year online as I could. Somewhere in there I managed to find a gift I was excited to get for my parents. It was something I know they'd love and, just as important, something they would never think to buy themselves. So I add it to my Amazon cart and purchase it, along with a few gifts for Sarah.

Fast forward a week or so. I have everything I ordered for Sarah, yet the mom and dad gift that was supposed to ship with Sarah's stuff is still en route. Or so I thought. At 1:24 am this morning they sent me an e-mail letting me know that even though they guaranteed I'd have it by the 24th, it was not in stock and they had to cancel it from my order. Five days before Christmas.

So for once, I don't procrastinate and I still get to mill around with all the idiots looking for last minute gifts in the malls around here.

Last week, someone at work offered up an innovative idea on how to relieve stress. If you need to talk to me any time soon, I'll be out looking for some pigeons to kick.

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