Saturday, October 25, 2008

Seasonally Affected

Every year I face a period of adjustment when we move from Summer into Fall. I usually get a bad sinus infection when the weather starts to cool down, which I have thankfully avoided so far this year, and having less sunlight usually does a number on my overall mood too. As the days get shorter and the cloud cover thickens and hangs lower, the amount of natural light we get around here is quickly suffocated.

This year seems to be worse than any previous year. Maybe the lack of sleep and extra time I am required to spend inside because of class are factors. Maybe I have just become more aware of what to look for to see that I am being affected. Who knows? All I know is that I feel unmotivated and this general malaise. Right now, I am supposed to be doing research for a paper in my Human Sexuality course....instead I am blogging. Not wanting to do research about sex? Something is off there.

I know that exercise and proper dietary habits are great mood elevators for me, but I'm rarely able to do them for more than a couple months at a time anymore. Maybe if I can compare my mood now to my mood when I am eating right and working out and see a big difference, I can stay motivated this time around.

OK....enough babbling. Here's a nice little video to show kinda how I feel lately. I hadn't listened to this song in forever, and it just popped into my head this morning.

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