Wednesday, February 02, 2011

IIIIIIt's Groundhog Day!

With SNOWMAGEDDON! fully upon us today, my class being canceled, and not much sleep to be had after work I didn't have much to do today aside from digging out from our "blizzard". After the snow was done I headed out to get some food. I decided to "eat fresh" this afternoon, and when I got back home from Subway I flipped on the TV as I sat down to eat. As I browsed the guide I remembered that Encore was showing Groundhog Day all day today, and saw it was just about to start again. It had been forever since I had seen it from start to finish, so that was perfect. I settled in, gnawed through my sub in no time, then kicked up my feet to watch the movie.

I've seen this movie enough to quote my way though it, but it's amazing how the years and my life experiences have changed my perspective on so much about the movie. And when it was over, I found that I had a new favorite quote from the movie.

"No matter what happens tomorrow, or for the rest
of my life, I am happy now, because I love you."


Unknown said...

Great post! I love this movie and just posted my insight on my blog:

Simply Me said...

:-* :-D