Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Call Him....Number 2

The next thing I am looking forward to with this Vegas trip in April is LM showing ME something about the town that I am new to. In this case, The Deuce. I have seen these buses dozens of times, but have never been on one. With just her and I, it will be a little more economical to take the bus to and from places on The Strip instead of popping for a cab for every ride, everywhere like when I am with a group of people.

I was happy to hear that these buses run 24/7, because I know that one night out there LM and I will both hit a wall with fatigue and lack of sleep, and it'll be nice to have a ride back to the hotel instead of wandering back all that way on foot. The one thing we will have to keep in mind is which side of The Strip we are on as we are approaching that fatigue wall. Having to cross the street to get to a stop and then having to cross after getting off the bus may be just as long of a walk as it is back to the hotel, negating any benefit of the bus.

Whether we are riding the bus for need or for novelty, though, I'm sure it'll be quite an experience as I try and get LM to laugh out loud at some of the observations I make about our fellow passengers. I foresee a lot of video footage being recorded on this trip. :-)

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