Monday, June 25, 2012

Baby You're a Firework

At this very moment, hundreds of thousands of people are crawling all over the city, jockeying for positions for tonight's fireworks display. I on the other hand, cannot wait to get out of here for the night, and that will actually be pretty soon.

As a kid, I never really got into fireworks all that much. The flashes and the booms and bangs didn't have much to do with it, I wasn't scared of fireworks at all other than the year that I was witness to a horrible accident, but it just wasn't something that we, in our house, really had any interest in. I like burning and blowing things up as much as the next guy, but this is an area where nurture took over for nature. Mind you I'm not getting down on anyone for liking them, far from it, but just like certain types of movies or other activities, they will be much better enjoyed without me there.

I've taken in the fireworks here in the past, and had a great time hanging out with my friends, but the fireworks themselves added nothing to the equation for me, aside from the fact that they were the impetus for us to gather on a warm summer night and just hang out together. Oddly enough that was ten years, and a complete life (and a half) ago for me.

Maybe someday on this blog I'll get into what was going on at that time in my life, and how it shaped everything around me and led me to where I am today, but that's not what I am here to write about today.

The Elephant in the Room

So I guess I should bring up the fact that I haven't been writing here much this year, and nothing at all for more than 5 months. Certain things I've gone over before, including access issues and lack of blogging interest really paved the way for that. I have missed the fact that I could just write whatever I want here, whenever I want....but I obviously haven't missed it enough to make it a priority.

Over the last year and a half or so I have tried multiple times to write a post when I didn't have access to the blog, then post it later. My success with this was spotty at best. A lot of times I gave up on the post before I was finished with it, but mostly I'd finish the post and not find a way to post it in a frame of time I deemed proper, and it just lingered in the ether, never finding a permanent home.

As it stands at this very moment, I am happy to have more liberal access to my blog and all that that allows me. Considering I can be somewhat bipolar when it comes to blogging in this digital age of social postmodernism, that could mean anything in terms of my posting frequency from here on out....or even in making up terms like digital social postmodernism. Go ahead, google it. Zero results until now.

Well with all that out, time to return to watching the Tigers in Texas and reading about the WSOP 50k event.

Farewell for now.

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