Thursday, January 06, 2011

Tell Him About the Twinkie...

Nothing about the Twinkie is good. The cake part of the Twinkie is terrible, the crust part at the top (or bottom depending on how you hold it) probably has the most taste in it....but it's still crap, and the filling is downright awful. I can't remember the last time I wanted one, much less had one, until tonight.

I don't normally walk by any of the vending machines at work. There isn't anything in there worth getting aside from a pop every now and again, but I can bring the pop I like in with me, and pay a lot less for it. Well it just so happens that I was forced to walk by the vending machines tonight on my way in. Pretty much any time I go by them, I get a quick craving for something in there I like, maybe a Kit Kat or a Crunch bar or something like that. Tonight I craved a Twinkie as soon as I saw one in there. I damn near stopped in my tracks, wondering what that was all about, but kept on walking because nothing good could come out of having a Twinkie while sitting on my butt at work. The only thing that could, and did, come out of this was elimination of any doubt in my mind that I am, in fact, sick....because I'd never want one of those things if I wasn't.

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