Wednesday, November 21, 2012

End of Days

We are now 30 days from what some claim to be the end of the world, based on the Mayan calendar ending on December 21st, 2012.  I'm not even going to get into what I personally think about this prophecy or those who want to spread this as gospel....because I'm sure my thoughts aren't anything new to anyone who doesn't blindly believe things like this, and have been voiced by many, many people who are much more capable of putting these thoughts eloquently.  Instead, when I realized we were a month from December 21st, my thoughts swung to what I would do with my last 30 days on Earth if I knew for sure they were upon me.

Now I've never liked the term "Bucket List", kinda cringe when I hear it really, but I have had a list of things I want to do/see before I die for much longer than I can remember this term being around.  It all started some years back, in the bedroom of my childhood home....and pretty much on a whim.  I was somewhere in my teens, but I can't remember the exact age.  Truth be told, I was probably in some state of temporary depression due to a personal relationship not going the way I wanted, and contemplating what may lie ahead for me in life.  You know, normal teenage crap you think is all important and exclusive to just you when it's happening.

Anyway, I remember grabbing a piece of paper....a notebook actually, because most of my teenage creativity was poured into random notebooks, and jotting down the title of "Things I Want to Do Before I Die".  While most of the things I thought were of uber importance to me at that time in my life are actually pretty laughable now, and most have been forgotten, this one actually stuck with me for years, and to this day actually....hence this blog post.

For several years I had this list packed away somewhere safe and added to it whenever something popped into my head, and I was fortunate enough to cross a few things off that list too from time to time.  It was one thing I was sure I would always keep close to me....especially considering that I truly didn't believe I was going to live past the age of 30 for most of my life before I actually turned 30.  Even though this notebook, which had a lot of other random thoughts and quotes in it, meant a lot to me, it somehow got separated from me while living in my second house....something I'm still unhappy I let happen, even though I have no idea when or how it actually happened.

Anyway, I can remember the very first thing I wrote on that list, and that is still number one to me since I haven't done it yet, and that was to see the pyramids in Egypt.  So if I knew that I only had 30 days left to live, I would definitely find a way to get myself, LM, and the kids to the pyramids and finally see them in person.  While that may not be the very first thing I would do in my last 30 days, just because of the logistics of it all, it's the very first thing on my list, and would definitely get done at some point.

Hopefully I'll be able to get 30 things up here in the next 30 days, probably not in 30 different posts though considering my past record for things like this and my super low post count for the year.  But considering this is something that is going to affect my life in one way or another in the future, I'm sure it'll be on my mind enough to get me to post at least the most important ones.

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