Thursday, November 01, 2012


Three calendar months without a post....and I could really care less about that. I remember the days when I couldn't go three days without posting and not feeling bad about it. Truth be told, the only reason I am here right now is that I noticed I had a link to this blog on my Facebook page and clicked on it to see how long it had been. I found it ironic that the most recent post was about starting up the Pic-A-Day thing again when I was just thinking about what I would be using as the subject of today's pic.

I've stuck with the picture thing since that last post, but not on a strict daily basis. Skipped a few days here or there without thinking about it at first, then I just got a little tired of trying too hard to find something of interest every single day and got a little lax with it....which completely defeats the point since I wanted to use it to help chronicle my day to day life without having to come here and type it all out. Having that in mind, I had just reaffirmed my commitment to taking pics on a daily basis when I stumbled on the link for this blog.

There was a time once that I loved writing posts for this blog, but things changed.  To be honest, it still seems like a chore that I don't want to get back into the habit of doing again on a regular basis.  On the other hand, I'm also curious about whether or not I could get back into the swing of it again if I just plodded through a few weeks of posting every single day, even if it's just a few sentences or even just a quick quote.  I don't post on Facebook anywhere near every day, and I have that at my fingertips 24/ who knows what will come of something like that, but as of today I am 1 for 1 in November and hope that I can find it in me to get something up here every day this month, or at least very close to it.

If I can, I'll be able to see if this blog is something I want to do on a regular basis again, from time to time, or never again.  If it's the latter, I may just have to put it in moth balls and close up shop for good.

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