Monday, July 22, 2013


So for some reason, the fact that last week's post was my 400th published post here completely didn't register with me while I wrote the post.  I probably wouldn't have changed anything I wrote about if I had remembered, but I probably would have used a different title, which means I wouldn't have found that perfect picture for the way I was feeling at the time.  All in all it worked out fine, and now I can get on with post 401.
Until I realized this was  post 401, I was going to use some form of my workout/weight loss status as the title.  As it is now, the 401 title led me to the above photo, which I think is as perfect as the last picture.  My weight loss/workout program is going well.  I haven't missed a day at the gym since my last post (14/15 days now) and I weighed in at an even 258 lbs this morning.  I'm down just over 4 lbs in 15 days, which is a good drop for me and a couple lbs ahead of my pace weight.  Again, I want to stay out well ahead of my pace weight because I tend to plateau for a week or more at a time at certain weights.  This 2lb cushion is nice, but we want more, we want more....
I'm also contributing this extra loss to the fact that my weight training wasn't as hard as it normally is Thursday-Sunday.  With the British Open being played over the weekend, and the time difference meaning the players I wanted to watch were playing at my normal gym times on those days, I spent a lot more time on the treadmill than normal, and less time lifting.  I had one hard training day in those four, but I don't think it made up for the other three days.  Hopefully I am wrong and I am just burning fat more efficiently now so this weight loss continues, but we are only 15 days into our it's way too early to tell.
The biggest part of all this for me is going to be my diet over the next 350 days.  My diet isn't great by any stretch of the imagination.  I love foods that are bad for you in more ways than one, and sugar-filled drinks.  But, even with my love for bad foods, my daily diet isn't too bad, even when you consider my cheat meals I figure in every now and then.  And again, it's way too early to gauge how that will work for me.  I plan to tweak my diet and cut the cheat meals as time goes on, but not completely out.  I don't have the constitution to do that right now.  If I try to go cold turkey, I will fall off the wagon and take a long time to get back on.  Hey, it took me a long time and a lot of work to get this's going to take a lot of work and a lot of time to get back into good shape.
Speaking of cheat meals....I found a place near the house that has what look to be pretty awesome stuffed burgers.  I was hooked when I saw a picture of one online last week, but have yet to try it.  It did, however, influence my dinner choice on Friday night.  LM and I did a double date night with SO and Shy that night, starting off with dinner at Champ's.  It had been a while since I had been to Champ's, and even longer since I have eaten there, and they had a new menu.  On this menu....a stuffed burger.  Bacon, cheese, and onion all inside the patty.  Yum.  Much better than the time I tried to make these on my own a few years back.  I don't think it's all that hard to do when you have the right ingredients, but when you are frantically searching for something to put inside a burger, as you are making the aren't prepared enough.
After Champ's we walked over to the movie theater and watch The Conjuring.  Not sure what the name of the movie has to do with the movie itself, because what I saw was pretty much the opposite of conjuring....but I guess calling it The Exorcist or anything like that would have been a bad move anyway.  The movie was ok, which is saying a lot considering I usually think all scary movies are just dumb, and it made the ladies jump and/or lose their breath more than a few times.
In other news for the week, LM got a BRAND NEW BIKE.  That topic, along with troubles with my own bike (The X) were supposed to be in a post a couple days ago, but I never got the chance to put pen to paper until today.  Hopefully sometime soon we'll get the chance to combine the bikes and stuffed burgers into a post about a cheat meal that I have to peddle my ass off to go eat.  As a matter of fact, it will have to be soon if I have any hopes of hitting my weight loss goal by next summer.  Cheat meals will be few and far between in a couple months, and winter weather will get in the way of biking anywhere around that time.