Monday, July 15, 2013

A Whole Bunch of Nothing

Either my blogging rust is showing, or this site just sucks now.  Actually, I am thinking it's a little bit of both....but there are some serious flaws with this site when the body of drafted posts just disappear.  
 So here I am, trying to complete one post out of three in a span of 11 days. The pace isn't all that brisk, but I was really pleased with the previous two I had tried to put up since the 4th. Alas, all I have now for the 4th of July post where I talked about the BBQ with my family and friends as well as the wedding, is a picture of the faded chalk flag the girls drew in the driveway. I love the picture, and wish I would have taken one before it rained on the chalk, but there was a lot more in that post I wanted to put out there. The main subjects of yesterday's post are a lot easier to remember, since it was only about 24 hours ago and I was just talking about things that happened on Saturday. The post covered coming into work early for training, lunch at Bucharest with my beautiful wife in my free time between training and the start of my shift, Scherzer not becoming the first MLB pitcher in history to go into the All-Star break 14-0, Lincecum getting a no hitter, finishing the first season of Breaking Bad, and verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. It's not often I really like my own posts, but that one I did....and now it's reduced to the above list of events. Seeing as there is no use in crying over spilled milk, unless you are doing so to get someone else to clean it up for you, I am moving on to my next post....and carefully making sure I don't have this one disappear. So, sometime before the wedding, LM and I decided that we would challenge ourselves to continue working out when we returned from the honeymoon. The last trip we took alone was to Vegas last year where we got engaged and we worked out a lot before the trip, but fell off the wagon afterward. To avoid that, we challenged ourselves to get in 300 workout days in the 365 following the honeymoon. Although, that had to be pushed back a little because of the injury LM sustained at the end of her bachelorette party and we are just starting week two of our challenge today. We are now on day 8, and I have gone 7/8 while LM has gone 8/8. Had it not been for the aforementioned training on Saturday, I would also be at 8/8. While it wasn't a workout day for me, it also wasn't a rest day considering how very long my day was. Eating well goes hand in hand with the workout program, but is always tougher for me to do. Last week I did pretty well for most of the week, but really went overboard on Thursday which kept me from losing much weight at all. Last Monday I had a starting weight of 262.4 lbs. This morning, I weighed in at 261.2. To reach my goal weight of 202 lbs by the end of this challenge, I need to lose 60 lbs. If I can keep this pace up, I will more than reach my goal in a year. The problem is, I can't count on a slow and steady pace. I have a history of getting stuck for a while at certain weights, 260 lbs being one of them, and need to have big loss weeks here and there to make up for the plateaus that I will undoubtedly encounter. All in all, week one went pretty well. I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone, and my hands off the crappy food I tend to crave. EDIT: Looking at this completed post, I see the formatting doesn't work correctly now either. My apologies for this long ass, single paragraph.

1 comment:

Simply Me said...

Hello husband... :) I'm thinking you need to change your mind about not talking about our special day even though the site ate your post. Let the world know how awesome that day was and how you are not only physically and emotionally mine forever but also legally ;-) LOL!