Monday, March 05, 2007

My Morning of Anger

Have you ever woken up angry? On the proverbial wrong side of the bed? This isn't something that happens to me all that much, but when it does there there is a discernible reason for it. Like I went to bed angry about something, or have been under a lot of stress about something for a few days. But today was not one of those cases. Today was a complete mystery to me.

I had a very good weekend. Actually got a good amount of sleep for once. Wasn't steaming from any poker games. Was properly tucked in before bed. Hell, if anything I should have been happy when I woke up. This was not the case.

This general sense of aggressive anger coursed through my body the whole time I was getting ready for work, and increased exponentially on my ride in. All 12 minutes of my commute.

First I was cursing the dumb ass in the Escalade who got right in front of me from the middle lane while I was speeding up and merging into the right lane. Of course the right lane was no longer of any use to him as soon as I signaled to pass him on the left, so he cut me off again.

A couple other drivers pissed me off a little more after that, but as I pulled into the structure at work I started to calm down a little. But not nearly enough. On my way in I made sure to have my iPod on and visible to all so I could avoid any contact before I got to my desk to scarf down a big breakfast, since food always comforts me. A couple people tried saying good morning, but I just kinda grunted back and brought my head up slightly and quickly in a universal "what's up"gesture.

When I get to work, I have two options for breakfast. There's the smart healthy choice, which I generally choose every day except for Wednesday when my greasy, unhealthy, wonderfully delicious choice is one of the breakfast specials at the restaurant in my building. Today I went for the grease. Then followed that with the healthy breakfast....and followed that with a granola bar and a buttload of water.

Still not happy.

I leer and nod my way through the morning, and the anger doesn't subside....but it doesn't get any worse either. As I'm sitting at my desk wondering what in the hell is wrong with me, I get a few text messages from my sheet midget about what's going on at her job. Twice I end up laughing out loud, one of those times some water found it's way out of my nose and onto my keyboard. Not a pretty sight, or a great feeling immediately, but it ended up turning my attitude around for the morning. From there I slowly rose from the depths of my anger and ended the day on a good note when I got some more food at work. For free no less.

Since then it's been pretty smooth sailing as I am about to chow down on my free work food for dinner, and I just set the ground work for a website that I've discussed with a few friends a couple times over the last couple months. Nothing big for me, but it could really help out a few of my friends in the long run.

At least my day will end on a high note. Hopefully I can avoid a repeat of my pissed off morning come tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm glad you got rid of your grouchy side.
I am here to make you smile when ever needed.