Tuesday, March 06, 2007

To Blog, Or Not To Blog

One of the reasons I became a member at Suicide Girls was Wil Wheaton. When I heard he was writing over there I decided to sign up so I didn't miss any of his content, and he seemed a perfect fit for the job. What's that? You don't need to be a member to read his stuff? Only if you want to look at the naked women? OK, not important. In my mind he has always been one of the top bloggers out there on the internets. He’s in my top three along with Iggy and Pauly, and unfortunately I’ve been failing to read any of them with regularity recently.

About the time Iggy started his gig over at Poker Works is when I started to read a lot more new (to me) poker blogs. With Poker Works blocked at my 9-5 I could no longer lose my productivity to the Iggy ubers, and the Tao was blocked well before that. In my search for new weekday content, I lost track of my favorite pokerbloggeractor.

The last couple weeks I have been hitting Wil’s blog here and there when I had the time, then yesterday I saw this great post that he put up about not being motivated to post anything for about a week even though he knew he could easily come up with some great stuff.

For the past few months I’ve felt pretty much the same way. I had fully intended to post on a regular basis follwing my most recent Vegas trip, because that right there would undoubtedly give me a ton of stuff to write about. That trip was in December. This is only my 10th post since I returned from Vegas. Almost three full months. Definitely not often enough.

In this time I’ve struggled with myself about this a little bit. Justifying the lack of posts on one hand, while reasoning out why I should post more on the other hand. But why? Why should I feel any pressure at all to post on my blog at any time unless I truly feel like it. When I really want to get something up there, the excuses will fall to the wayside and I will.

And since I mentioned Iggy’s Poker Works gig, I should also mention that he is back home now at Guinness and Poker. No ubers up last I checked, but I’m assuming that will change real soon.

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