Thursday, March 25, 2010

Post Goals

Early this year I decided to make sure I wouldn't neglect this here blog at all throughout 2010. So I set a personal goal of 2-3 posts per week, with a total of 10-15 as a minimum for each month. At first I thought about not considering my playlist posts in this, since there isn't much writing involved, but sometimes the words I choose from these songs can really describe how I feel about something, somewhere, or someone better than any of my own words could. There is a reason a lot of these songs are hits, and many of my favorites have lyrics that will stand the test of time. Just look at how some of Dylan's lyrics apply as well to today as they did back when he first wrote them.

I have decided to up my goals for writing. One of the bloggers I follow makes sure to write every day for at least 10-20 minutes, no matter the subject. He might not share it with everyone on his blog, but if it's something he likes he'll post it. I've decided to try the same thing on MOST days. There may be times where work and school keep me from being creative (wow, that sounds kinda sad now that I think about it) and I'll have to skip a day here or there.

This new goal may or may not increase my post totals, since I am not sure that I'll have anything I want to share come out of my head when I sit down to write. Plus I have other places I write besides this blog, so it may not be written here to share anyway. The posting matters not. What does matter is that I'll keep my creative tools busy and sharpened for when I really need to use them or, better yet, when I WANT to use them.

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