Monday, May 10, 2010

There Will be Moustaches

File this one under "I have no idea where this came from."

Over the last few nights, my dreams have had one strange thing in common....middle aged dudes with mustaches. And I think the funniest thing of all is that none of them were my father.

Of the dreams, only one really sticks out in my mind and that is the one that had someone in it who looked an awful lot like Daniel Day-Lewis from There Will be Blood. Long story short, the guy too a special interest in me and my life and was watching me. Kinda stalker-ish, but hey....I'm used to a little bit of stalking here and there anyway, right?

Well, at one point it got really creepy because he wanted to watch everything I did. EVERYTHING. Just my morning routine alone would be horrible to share with anyone....much less other various things throughout the day. He ended up offering me money, but I just couldn't handle it.

One of the few positives about not sleeping well lately is that I tend to remember more dreams now than when I do sleep well.

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