Monday, July 09, 2012

Too Many Mondays

Unlike most people, Monday isn't the first day of my work week. When people are moving slow on Saturday and recovering from the night before on their first day off, I put my nose to the grindstone to start off my week. While Monday is smack dab in the middle of my week, with my shift jumping schedule, it's also my busiest. Not only is it my busiest work day, it's often the day of the week that gets me thinking the most.

Partly because it's the start of the work week for most people, Monday has become very symbolic in today's society. For a while now, Mondays have been getting an increasingly bad name. It's been a while since I have seen Office Space, but I can still hear that "case of the Mondays" quote like I just watched the movie. Even when I started my week on a Monday, I wasn't someone who ever got a case of the Mondays. I enjoyed my job, and even though I didn't like the fact that I HAD to show up on Monday to start the week, it wasn't all that bad.

Lately, it's taken its toll on me.

While I may not suffer from the Mondays myself, I understand it. As a matter of fact, Monday seems to have hit me pretty hard while writing this post....and I have no idea where I wanted to take it now.

I'm pretty sure I was headed in the direction of Monday being a clean slate day, and a chance to start something new every seven days or some blabbery BS like that.

Or you can always just hate it and do what you have to to get through it.

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