Monday, August 29, 2005


If there was a good chance that your house was going to be flooded to the roof in a mere matter of hours and you were told to evacuate ASAP, what would you take with you? Would you stay behind are take your chances?

Personally I can't see any benefit in staying in a house that sits below sea level as a hurricane is taking aim at your city. As I watch Katrina pummel the south, I try to think what matters most to me that I could pack into the Cherokee in an hour or less. The most obvious answer to me is Guinness, his food, and water. After those were situated I'd grab my insurance policy and any other important docs I have in the house and some clothes. After that I would probably do a quick room by room walk through and see if anything grabbed my attention....Poker chips and cards....Portable TV and all the AA batteries I could throw in a bag with it so I could watch the news as long as possible....My camera, my hard drive, maybe my brand new monitor if there was room....cell phone and car it's time to lace up the boots and get out of Dodge!

All the while I would be on the phone with family and friends to see if anyone needed my help with anything before I got the Big Pimp and myself to higher ground. If not, I'd throw Pimpzilla in the Cherokee and take him to meet his Grandma and Grandpa at the cabin up north.

At first glance I was somewhat disturbed that my poker chips ended up being the third thing on my packing list....then I realized that I am very lucky to have everything important clearly prioritized and that I won't obsess over the lesser things. My possessions, it seems, have little meaning to me when the fit hits the shan. I know that as long as I have my family and friends and my Pimpzilla, I can make it through anything and still be a happy man. Possessions are just that....THINGS that you own. Now the government would only view Guinness as one of my possessions, but I can't think of him like that at can you call a dog who saved your life a mere possession?

Family. Friends. Dog. Those are my big three....

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