Wednesday, May 20, 2009

20 Minutes

Can I get a decent post up in only 20 minutes? Most of the time I have trouble with the format that I use after a picture has been added, so I would bet on no....but I'm still gonna try.

I'm writing now, and in such short time, because I shouldn't be writing this at all, but I want to. The thing is, I can't really right what I want to right now, so this is what I am reduced to.

I should be reading, actually I should be writing an essay about what I should have already read....but I have procrastinated once again, opting for a night out with Mark and Mike to watch the Wings over staying home and watching while getting everything done online that I needed. It was even suggested to me by someone else to go home after school rather than go out....but when do I listen to advice like THAT?

I feel kinda bad sometimes about that actually. The devil and angel on my shoulder each get equal time to present their arguments....actually, the angel really gets the lion's share. The problem for the angel is not the time or the sound advice, but me. Any protest at all from the devil gets acute attention, and usually action.

While he is often wasting his breath, the poor little angel won't stop trying. He's always there afterward too with an "I told you so" if he was right, but he's also cool about being wrong.

With these two always on my shoulder, there are few times I make an uninformed decision. Another problem though, where do I normally choose to get my information from? That's right, I turn to my devilish side.

We all have choices to make in life. Each day is rife with them. Though many of these choices have a bigger impact on your life than you can imagine, there are some other choices though that you know will have a huge impact on you. These choices are hard to make with that little red bugger talking into my ear.

Lately I have had some pretty important things to think about, and this little friend of mine has had all sorts of things to say. What to dismiss, what to do, how far to go....and the list goes on. So far I seem to be toeing the line very well in all cases, but when it comes to things I know I shouldn't do, but desperately want to do, I really don't need his "help".
Alas my 20 minutes is up, and I haven't even found a picture yet. now I'll just have to finish this in my head and work out a way to quiet down the devil at certain times. I want to extinguish the fire underneath his arse when it comes to certain decisions I have to make....anyone out here know someone that can help me put out a fire?

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