Sunday, February 05, 2017

Page 36 - The Storm

There was a lot to get done today for the party, mostly done by LM, but it wasn't too hectic.  Even with changing the start time of the party to 30 minutes earlier, only two hours ahead of time as noted by one of the attendees, we got it all done before anyone showed up.  We did very well too.  With 12 people and a dog coming over, we had almost the exact right amount of pizza.  Only five pieces were left at the end, and I ate probably about 3 or 4 pieces less than I normally would have....partly because of our prop pool.
I thought it would be cool to have everyone pick a few props off a sheet, and see how well we'd do. However, that meant that someone had to keep track of the correct answers during the game....and that got in the way of at least one refill run to the kitchen.  In the end it was a huge success, even with the printer problems I had right before the party, and LM was the winner....getting 20 of the 30 props correct.  I still can't believe that Peyton Manning wasn't in a single Super Bowl commercial.

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