Thursday, January 21, 2010

Three Behind

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Only three weeks into the new year, and I have fallen behind my blogging goal by three posts. Only getting 2/3 of my stated goal so far isn't sitting very well with me, but that just goes along with the disappointment I have in myself for my gym/diet goal so far too. I don't make myself sacrifice too much right away, and even the little bit I am supposed to be doing with ease is really a struggle right now.

I really need to put my mind to figuring out a goal and a reward for this my weight loss. Last time I did it, I had one of the best rewards I could possibly imagine waiting for me at the end and I did great with that up until my accident. The time before that, I had a firm goal set and an Xbox 360 at stake against two other guys. The Xbox belongs to me today because of my great planning and discipline at the end. So I know I can do this VERY well if I have a tangible reason....but that's something I am going to need to figure out.

With football season all but over, and my only interest now in watching the games and not trying to handicap them, I have gone back to concentrating on my fantasy hockey team....and not a moment too soon I might add. My team was WAY pretty much from the start of the season, but now the teams just below me are within striking distance because I have been struggling the last month or so. I am finally back to micromanaging my team, and hoping my stars can stay healthy and continue to be productive.

What am I going to do during the Olympics? With the Pistons hurt and sucking, I sure as hell won't watch be honest, I can's even come up with the new coach's name right now. If I heard it, I'd be able to say he was the head coach for the Pistons....but producing it on my own is not going to happen. Maybe I will actually get some studying done for my class while the NHL is on break for the olympics. Then again, why would I do that?

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