Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Go On....You Know You Want to Touch It

So after more than a year of struggling to get my old Razr to do some of the most basic functions you can ask of a mobile phone, and waiting to see if Verizon would start offering iPhones, I finally found a phone I wanted to upgrade to and yesterday it finally made it's way to me so I am now the proud new owner of an EnV Touch....and there was much rejoicing.

So far so good. I like it, but then again I would like just about anything after the last couple months with my old phone. I shouldn't complain too much about it....I am surprised the thing worked at all. Last year I got caught in a complete downpour when I was out riding, and the phone was dripping wet when I got home, including a nice little reservoir of rain water that I found in the battery compartment when I opened it up to take the battery out. After that, the 8 button stuck a little, but the rest of the phone was just fine aside from a few service issues here and there which I guess is to be expected after something like that.

Then after more than a year of dealing with certain issues here and there everything got a LOT worse when I took a spill on 96 with my phone in my jeans pocket rather than inside my riding jacket like usual. While it had more of it's body covered in road rash than I did, the thing was still working and I was able to get a hold of my family before being carted off to the hospital, and the thing performed brilliantly that night and the next day as my only link to the outside world while I was being held in ICU for observation.

In the end, the service issues and difficulties charging the old phone finally did it in and I found the EnV Touch as soon as I could get my 'New Every Two' discount. In the end I only paid $50 for the phone, and the monthly bill will be more than $20 cheaper than with the old plan. Overall, I am really happy right now....but we'll see how long the lustre of this new phone lasts.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I have the same phone... now only if you'd answer yours :(