Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Page 24 - #AlternateMonday

Sometimes Tuesday just feels like a second Monday.  And since it's not actually Monday, but it seems like that....I guess calling it Alternate Monday is completely fine.  Just like a fact that isn't actually a fact, but seems like it is to someone is considered an alternate fact.  I wonder how long it's going to take for #AlternateFacts to fade away.  It's only been a couple days since it was uttered on meet the press, and it already seems like it's been in our lexicon for months now.  Maybe that is just another side effect of the 24 hour news cycle....maybe it's because I am just paying a lot more attention to what is going on politically right now.  Either way, it was ridiculous and I really hope this weekend doesn't set the tone for how this administration is going to work with the media for the next 4 years.
While I stayed true to the diet during the day yesterday, I did have a rich dessert after dinner that was anything but smart.  I guess because of the timing I could consider it another late night snack, which I really need to avoid to lose all the weight I want, but I'm sure there were a lot more calories in the brownie/ice cream combo I had than there would have been in either of my pretzel snacks that I normally have at that time.  That all being said, I still posted a small loss this morning over yesterday.  I lost .4 lbs. between yesterday and today, and have lost 3.8 total since I started.  I'm about 3 lbs. behind my where I should be according to my stated pace for my goal.  That doesn't sound all that bad, three pounds isn't all that much at all....but that's nearly 50% behind already.  I just can't let myself be ok with it right now.  If I get that close to my goal by the end of the year, I will feel a lot different about three pounds.  If I get a little more than 50% of my goal by the end of the year....I won't be as enthusiastic.
And yes, my uncle dying was so much harder on me that I could have expected....but I have no excuses for not being on this very obtainable pace.  There's a week left in January, and a couple days into that I'll have my 5th official weigh in of the year.  My pace weight for that weigh in is 10 lbs. lost.  I need to keep on the straight and narrow as much as possible to get there.  Hopefully reminding myself daily, damn near hourly really, that I need to make the best choices for my health will continue to work.  If not, I'll be completely honest with myself and find another way to get it done.

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