Sunday, January 29, 2017

Page 29 - It's No Pizza Day!

Thankfully nobody stole my pizza today....I just didn't have any.  That's the first Sunday in quite a while that I haven't.  This should aid in my progress for the week.  I'l still progressing, but still behind my pace weight.  It's possible that I'll catch my pace weight in the next six days.  If I stay on track, I should come pretty close by my next weigh in.  I'm still confident about my progress, though I would prefer to be slowly increasing my lead over the pace instead of creeping up behind it.

The SAG Awards were tonight.  It's always cool to see who gets the awards when the people in the guild are the ones voting.  The speeches were definitely interesting, considering the Muslim ban Trump just put into effect....and it was really interesting breaking down Brie Larson's reaction when she didn't have to give Casey Affleck another award.  At first I thought she was bitter against Denzel, but it was obvious after comparing pictures from the Golden Globes that she was actually relieved.

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